Online Permit Portal: Citizenserve
Our office issues building permits for the City of Boardman, the City of Irrigon, Morrow County, and Gilliam County. For more information on a project in your area, use the links below.
Oregon Design Criteria Hub uses current code and assists with design criteria for construction projects governed by the Oregon Residential Specialty Code (ORSC). Includes information regarding the following:
- Ground Snow Load
- Basic design wind speed
- Seismic Design Category
- Weathering potential
- Frost line depth
- Decay potential
- Air freezing index
Structural Permit fees are calculated using the International Code Council's Building Valuation Table
Interpretation Summary
Outlines the definition of valuation and a process for determining valuation for construction projects.
Building permit fees are calculated on the basis of project valuation. Section 108 of the Oregon Structural Specialty Code (OSSC) and Section R108.3 of the Oregon Residential Specialty Code (ORSC) state that "building permit valuation shall be set by the building official." Valuations are required on all structural permit applications, and because of questions from customers, this interpretation is provided.
Contractor Doing the Work
It is important to clarify that valuation includes materials, labor costs of the contractor, including profit and overhead. Valuation, therefore, includes all costs of the project and can normally be thought of as the "bid" amount from the contractor. If some work is planned but is not part of the bid, then the value of this additional work must be added to the bid amount. In addition the cost of land, site improvement costs such as parking lots, site utilities, and landscaping are not normally considered part of the project valuation.
Homeowner Doing the Work
In cases where the homeowner is doing the work without the involvement of a contractor, labor costs must be assumed and added to the material costs. Generally doubling the costs of all materials accurately reflects typical labor costs.
Valuation Data Chart
Because of the difficulty in obtaining accurate bid information, a valuation chart which establishes a cost per square foot for various types of structures has been adopted by the City of Boardman. This chart is used for all new buildings and can also be used as a guide for additions and alterations to buildings. The basis for the chart data is published by the International Code Council (ICC). This chart is modified by the Building Department as updated by the ICC in February each year.
Valuation for new buildings shall be established through the use of the valuation chart adopted by the City of Boardman and/or the contract document as determined by the Building Official. The valuation chart and/or contract document shall also be used as a guide in establishing valuation for additions to buildings. Valuation for remodeling projects shall be established by the Plans Examiner using all available information. Accurate and all inclusive project materials price list will be multiplied by two (2) in order to cover typical labor expenses.
Building Inspection - Residential
- Building Setbacks
- Footing
- Foundation
- Underfloor - prior to decking
- Bracing/Portal Frame
- Framing
- Insulation
- Sidewalk
- Final
- Underfloor - prior to decking
- Underground - prior to cover
- Topout
- Sanitary Sewer
- Water Service
- Final
- Rough-in
- Gas Test
- Final
Minimum Submittal Requirements Checklist For Plan Review
- Local Planning/Zoning, water district, erosion control, DEQ/septic/sewer approval
- Site/Plot Plan. Show the size and location of new construction and existing structures on the site and distances from lot lines. Reference ORSC Section R106.2.
- Two complete sets of Construction Documents. Construction documents must be of sufficient clarity to indicate the location, site specific design criteria per Table R301.2(1), nature and extent of the work proposed and show in detail conformity to the provisions of the code, relevant laws, ordinances, rules and regulations. Reference ORSC Section R106.1.1.
- Foundation Plan. Provide plan dimensions, footing sizes, posts, anchor bolts, hold-downs, associated details including reinforcement requirements and foundation vent locations. Reference ORSC Chapter 4.
- Floor Plans. Provide dimensions, room identification, door size, window size, location of smoke and carbon monoxide alarms, water heater, furnace, ventilation fans, plumbing fixtures and balconies and decks that are 30 inches above grade. Reference ORSC Chapter 5.
- Cross section(s) and details. Show all framing members such as floor beams, headers, joists, sub-floor, wall construction, and roof construction. More than one cross section may be required to clearly portray construction. Show all wall and roof sheathing, roofing, roof slope, ceiling height, siding material, footings and foundation, stairs, fireplace construction, thermal insulation, etc. Reference ORSC Section R106.1.1.
- Elevation Views. Provide dimensions including but not limited to floor and roof eave and ridge elevations, opening locations, and finish grade profile. Reference ORSC Section R106.1.1.
- Wall Bracing. Provide engineered or prescriptive lateral calculations and plans showing braced wall lines, bracing method, location and length of braced wall panels, and associated connections to roof, floor, and foundation. Lateral design details and connections shall be incorporated into the plans. Reference ORSC Sections R106.1.3, R602.10, R301.1.3. See for prescriptive wall bracing calculators)
- Floor/Roof Framing Plans. Provide a plan for each roof and floor framing assembly that shows all structural framing members and supports, their sizes, spacing, species, grade, bearing locations, method of attachment (e.g. hardware), roof pitch, and attic ventilation requirements. Reference ORSC Chapter 5 and Chapter 8.
- Design Calculations. Provide for all structural load carrying members that are not based on prescriptive span tables in the code. Reference ORSC Section R301.1.3.
- Floor and/or Roof Trusses. Provide the design layout plan with truss details and calculations that have been stamped by an Oregon licensed engineer. Reference ORSC Sections R502.11 and R802.10.
- Energy Code Compliance. Show compliance with Chapter 11 Energy Efficiency, identifying the additional Envelope Enhancement Measure and Conservation Measure chosen from Table N1101.1(2) (when applicable). Where Envelope Enhancement Measure No. 6 is chosen, provide supporting calculations (see for thermal performance calculator.). Reference ORSC Chapter 11.
Building Inspection - Commercial
- Reinforcing Steel
- Footing
- Foundation
- Concrete Slab
- Framing
- Insulation-Vapor Barrier
- Gypsum Board (if necessary)
- Special Inspection
- Sidewalks
- Final
- Underfloor - prior to decking
- Underground - prior to cover
- Topout
- Sanitary Sewer
- Water Service
- Storm Sewer
- Final
- Underground
- Rough-in
- Gas Test
- Medical Gas
- Process Piping
- Equipment
- Final
Commercial Plan Review Submittal Checklist
- Site plan: changes of occupancy, additions, alterations, and new construction
- Floor/roof plans: including dimensions, windows, and doors
- Floor/roof framing: framing member size, joist, beam, and column
- Foundation plan: wall dimensions and footings — for complete review
- Building elevations: minimum two views
- Building cross-sections: structural members, roof and wall sheathing
- Structural calculations: new or change of occupancy
- Electrical: exits, fire alarms, and fire and life safety equipment
- Complete specifications: quality and type of all construction materials, and methods of construction
- Architect/engineer stamp: over 4,000 sq. ft. or 20' height — Architect law-ORS 671.030, Engineer law-ORS 672.020
- Mechanical plans: equipment location, size, type, and layout — fan capacity, etc.
- Disabled access: indicate compliance measures
- Minimum scale: 1⁄8"-minimum paper size: 81⁄2" X 11" on all plans
Other Agency Clearances
- Department of Environmental Quality or local sanitary authority
- Local planning department: zoning, special land use. Building is in flood plain?